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All About Double Cleansing

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Double Cleansing.  We’ve all heard the term if you’re into skincare.  But what really is it and am I using the correct cleansers for it? 

What is Double Cleansing?

Double Cleansing is the technique of cleansing your skin twice with two different types of cleansers. It was originally popular in South Korea and Japan before catching on to other regions of the world.

Double cleansing should always take place in your PM routine. There is no need to it in your AM routine.

The idea behind double cleansing is that the first cleanse is for breaking down and removing makeup, dirt and SPF, and then the second cleanse is for cleaning your skin.

First Cleanse

For the first cleanse, you should look for a product that is going to remove/breakdown any makeup or SPF. Oil is formidable at breaking down makeup and SPF, so oil based cleansers tend to work better as a first cleanse.

The following types of products make excellent first cleanses:-

  • Balm Cleanser
  • Oil Cleanser
  • Cream Cleanser

Second Cleanse

The second cleanse is going to be the one that cleans your skin in preparation for any serums you are going to apply. Having a clean skin is thought to help products penetrate better.

You can use the same cleanser for the second cleanse as you used for your first cleanse if you wish.

The following types of cleansers can be used as a second cleanse:-

  • Gel Cleanser
  • Milk Cleanser
  • Cream Cleanser
  • Oil Cleanser
  • Balm Cleanser

Who Should Double Cleanse?

This really depends on who you ask. To some people, double cleansing is essential. For me, I’ll dabble with it every now and then, but I certainly don’t double cleanse every evening. I have dry skin, so double cleansing for me quite often causes more harm than good. It can be quite stripping and drying to the skin, no matter how gentle or hydrating the cleansers I use are.

It’s personal preference – something you may wish to consider doing if it benefits your skin. Do not feel like you don’t have a good routine if you don’t double cleanse. There are plenty of cleansers out there that are capable of cleansing your skin with one cleanse.

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