Home » Do you need an eye cream?

Do you need an eye cream?

It’s always up for debate whether you need an eye cream or not in the skincare community.  A lot of is based on personal preference.  Whenever I’m asked if you need an eye cream, I always ask what the person’s budget is. 

Some people say that eye creams are just moisturisers sold in smaller pots that are generally more expensive.  Depending on the product, they may also include weaker forms of active ingredients so it is more tolerated around the eye area.

I personally do not find an eye cream to be essential – they’re nice to have – but not essential.  When I’m having budget concerns, I take any serums or moisturisers up and around my eye area (avoiding my eye lids).   Obviously, if a serum warns me not to take it around my eye area I don’t.

If budget is no object, I treat myself to an eye cream and really enjoy the texture of a nice eye cream.

Do you use an eye cream? If so what’s your favourite at the moment?

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