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Kate Somerville Haul

Kate Somerville Dermalquench Wrinkle Warrior Kate Somerville Wrinkle Warrior Pink Plumping Mask Kate Somerville Wrinkle Warrior 2-in-1 Plumping Moisturiser Kate Somerville ExfoliKate Intensive Kate Somerville DeliKate Recovery Serum Kate Somerville DeliKate Recovery Cream Kate Somerville DeliKate Soothing Cleanser Kate Somerville +Retinol Vita C Power Serum Kate Somerville Goat Milk Cleanser Kate Somerville Nourish Moisturiser Kate Somerville Wrinke Warrior Cold Cream Cleanser

Black Friday came early for me! I’ve been wanting to try Kate Somerville for some time, and with a bit of luck, an amazing deal revealed itself that I just couldn’t miss.

@ashleys_edit provided a code last weekend that I took complete advantage of. I need to thank @skinacidtrip, who shared this to her story, because otherwise I would have missed it!

The code gave you the Hydration Warriors Kit for half price (£32.50), plus a complimentary full sized DermalQuench Wrinkle Warrior. I hastily added this to my bag, as the DermalQuench alone is £88 and I was getting this as a complimentary gift. It was stupid not to!

I also ordered the Stressed Skin Recovery Kit, which then enabled me to receive a complimentary travel-sized kit of Kate’s UK Bestsellers.

The products arrived and I have to praise the KS team – it’s clear they take time and effort to package and present their products in a beautiful and sustainable manner.

After registering an account and signing up to the mailing list as part of the registration, I received a code that would give me 15% off, plus a deluxe sized Exfolikate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment. The Nourish Daily Moisturiser is a product I had wanted for a while, so I decided to get it using the code. After all, I was going to receive a Deluxe Size Exfolikate too, right? Well, no.

My second order arrived, again beautifully packaged. However, I noticed that the Exfolikate is actually a deluxe SAMPLE size, not a deluxe size. I checked back over the email and nowhere did it say that it was a sample size. It is stated on their website if you sign up for the mailing list outside of the registration process, but definitely not in the email (swipe right to see).

I have sent a friendly email to KS about this as I do feel this is very misleading, especially if you’re going solely from the email like I did. They thanked me and gave me a 10% discount code for my next purchase which was nice but I feel disappointed.

That aside, I am pleased. I managed to get around £350 worth of products for £134. I can’t wait to dive in and try them all. It’ll certainly be interesting to see if it is worth the price tag.

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