Home » Kate Somerville Dermalquench – Worth it?

Kate Somerville Dermalquench – Worth it?

Kate Somerville Dermalquench

It’s an ‘Advanced Hydrating Treatment’ based around one of the oxygen facial treatments available in the Kate Somerville clinics.   This product promises to pump the skin full of hydration to improve radiance while smoothing and plumping. So how good is it?

These were both a gift with purchase after using two different codes.  How exciting, I thought, after hearing such good things about the products.  Well, I can’t beat around the bush any longer and I just need to say I’m extremely underwhelmed by these products.

If you’d have asked me a few months ago I would have said I liked them.  I was forcing myself to like them because, after all, it’s an 80 quid product and therefore it must be worth it. For me? No.

I’ve had extremely dehydrated skin this winter and so I thought these would give me a welcome boost of hydration.  I’ve used them both, alternating one each month since November and I always layered with a moisturiser after use.  Whilst they may have mildly improved hydration in my skin, it was not sufficient, and definitely not adequate enough to warrant the extremely high price tag. These are not the tall drink of water for my skin that I was expecting. The Wrinkle Warrior (pink one) is marginally more hydrating than the Liquid Lift (silver one), but not enough to dance about.

Admittedly, they are quite fun/gimmicky to use.  The way it squirts out and sort of foams on your face then crackles as you dab it in is quite pleasing.

There are many hydrating products on the market at much more affordable prices that do a better job than these.  I’m just being honest.  Right now I’m just using these up because they’re there. Will I repurchase? No. Others seem to swear by it, so it might work for you. It doesn’t for me.

Have you tried these before? What are your experiences?

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