Home » Jordan Samuel Skin The Aftershow Body Cleanser Review

Jordan Samuel Skin The Aftershow Body Cleanser Review

Jordan Samuel Skin The Aftershow Body Cleanser

I really wasn’t keen on the Jordan Samuel Skin The Aftershow Body Cleanser when I first got it because I didn’t get it. After using it a little bit more, I’m now utterly obsessed with it.

This is not for you if you like something foaming when you wash your body.

The first time I used it, I applied it to my loofah. I recommend not using a loofah. This works so much better if you apply it using your hands. When applied to a loofah, it doesn’t go as far.

It comes out the bottle as a gel, and when it comes into contact with wet skin, it turns into a delicious milk. It’s oil based, so it offers insane nourishment and hydration for the skin. Seriously, your skin is so soft and hydrated after using it.

There’s a beautiful citrusy-orange scent to it (if you’ve used the The Aftershow Treatment Cleanser for the face, you will know how beautiful the scent is).

It’s quite expensive (£37.00 for 240ml) – so it’s obviously one of those luxurious treat-yourself products. I tend to use this when I have time to do a little pamper session. Maybe I’d run a bath, light a candle and really indulge with it. It’s such a shame it’s not cheaper because I honestly think I would use it all the time.

I’m totally going to repurchase the Jordan Samuel Skin The Aftershow Body Cleanser when I need an indulgent treat. It’s gorgeous.

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