Home » REN Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial Review

REN Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial Review

REN Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial

This is one of those products that on paper sound good, but in reality is very different.

It’s a mask that promises to deliver results in 1 minute. REN claims that it will reduce fine lines and wrinkles, mitigates the effects of sun damage, neutralises greyness and alleviates signs of fatigue.

You can use it every three days and you are supposed to apply to dampened skin then rinse a way after 1 minute.

It has a sugar-scrub like texture for a bit of physical exfoliation and contains water activated Vitamin C.

If you have dry skin, mother of god do not touch this with a barge pole.  I used it as per the instructions and immediately after removing it my skin had never felt so tight or dry in its life.  It was like all the moisture had been sucked out of it.  It says it’s for all skin types, but take my word and do not use if you have dry skin.

My partner who has normal skin also used it and has the same result.

The scent isn’t very pleasant – sort of metallic or rusty.

Results wise, apart from my skin feeling exfoliated, I didn’t notice any difference to my skin apart from the fact that any fine lines looked ten times worse because it was so drying. Looking back, it does seem claim to do a lot considering you only leave it on for 1 minute but I did expect something even if it only lasted a short while.

I definitely can’t recommend this.  Sorry Ren! 😫🤐  BUT I do really recommend the Glycol Lactic Radiance Renewal Mask!

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