Home » Murad Retinol Youth Renewal Serum Review

Murad Retinol Youth Renewal Serum Review

Murad Retinol Youth Renewal Serum
AD - Product was purchased by myself. The discount code featured in this post is affiliated, so I will earn a small amount of commission when used.

Who doesn’t love a little bit of Murad?  The Murad Retinol Youth Renewal Serum has to be one of my favourite ranges from the brand.

Use code DUEL20-zzdvsw at checkout at murad.co.uk for 20% off.

What is it?

Murad Retinol Youth Renewal serum contains 3 retinol technologies (a fast-acting retinoid, a time-released retinol & a retinol booster) and hyaluronic acid. As we all know Retinol is the gold standard ingredient when it comes to skincare given its ability to help minimise fine lines/wrinkles, even skin tone and boost radiance.

What do I think?

This is a gorgeous cream serum, which glides onto the skin effortlessly. I personally do not experience any irritation using this, though I’m a less-is-more kind of person and only use it 3-4 nights a week.

Another thing I really like about this product is how long it lasts.  It’s expensive (£79 / 30ml), but this has lasted me months and whenever I think I’m near the end of it, it just keeps going.

In terms of results, this serum delivered exactly what was promised. I’ve noticed a more even, glowing skin tone a small reduction when it comes to fine lines and wrinkles. Stubborn dark spots left from pimples reduced much quicker using the serum too.

If you’re on the lookout for a new retinol, I would really suggest giving this one a try. 

Murad are a brand you can really rely on for formulations. The research that goes into their products and formulations are astounding.

Would I recommend?

Yes. You really can’t go wrong with Murad. If you’re new to using retinol, you may prefer to try the Moisturiser before using the serum.

Brands Product Description

Whether you’re seeing your first wrinkle or want the serious results of a retinoid without a doctor’s visit, this fast-acting serum visibly improves key signs of ageing in just 2 weeks. Gentle enough for nightly use. 


Retinol, Swertia Flower Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Retinyl Propionate, Ceramides

How I use it

I use this in my evening routine, after cleansing. I’ll then wait 10-20 minutes before applying some moisturiser.

Would I repurchase?


How Much?

£79.00 for 30ml. Use code DUEL20-zzdvsw at checkout at murad.co.uk for 20% off.

Where to Buy

AD - Product was purchased by myself. The discount code featured in this post is affiliated, so I will earn a small amount of commission when used.

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