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Four PHA Exfoliants

Four PHA Exfoliants

PHA’s (Poly Hydroxy Acids) are all the rage in skincare at the moment. It’s an exfoliating acid that’s perfect for everyone and even more so sensitive skins because they are super gentle and hydrating. Picture gloriously exfoliated, smooth, even skin without the irritation or dryness that you can sometimes get with AHA’s or BHA’s. Featured in this post are a few of my favourite exfoliants that contain PHA.

Medik8 Press & Glow

Contains PHA Gluconolactone, Prickly Pear Extract, Aloe Versa, Acia Extract for a gentle, effective exfoliation. This can be used daily. Simply apply to a cotton round (preferably a re-usable one) and swipe over clean skin. £25.00 to buy initially but then a refill will cost £23.00.

Trinny London Tiptoe In

Contains Gluconolactone, Lactobionic Acid, Trehalose, Azelaic acid. This leaves the skin radiant. It’s not drying and is perfect if you are sensitive to acids. £34.00 initially and then £28.00 for a refill.

SkinCity Luminous Licorice Toner

Gluconolactone, Probitics, Liquorice Root Extract and Centella Asiatica work to soothe, hydrate and gently exfoliate the skin. It’s a good first step in your routine post cleanse.

Zelens PHA Bio Peel Pads

One of the very few Zelens products I recommend. This has Laconionie Acid, Lactice Acid, Salicylic Acid and Pumpkin Enzymes. It’s non-drying, convenient because they already contain the cotton pads and they’re soaked in products, and shouldn’t cause any irritation.

What PHA Exfoliants in are you enjoying at the moment?

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