Home » FaceTheory Lumizela A15 Serum Review

FaceTheory Lumizela A15 Serum Review

FaceTheroy Lumizela A15 Serum
AD/PR - Product was gifted by brand with no obligation to post. Those discount code contained in this post is an affiliate code. I will earn commission if it is used.

Bye-bye Redness 👋🏻. FaceTheory Lumizela A15 Serum has become one of my Holy Grail products and I am obsessed with it. This is one of those serums where you actually see results, and quite quickly too.

What is it?

A 15% Azelaic Acid serum that aims to reduce inflammation, redness and has an antibacterial effect against acne-causing bacteria, hyperpigmentation and rosacea.

What do I think?

I’ve noticed such a noticeable reduction in redness on my cheeks since using this serum. Formulated using 15% Azelaic Acid, which has been shown to have an antibacterial effect against acne-causing bacteria, hyperpigmentation and rosacea, this is quite a powerful serum. They’ve combined this with Collodial Oatmeal, Aloe Vera and Green Tea, all aimed to soothe and calm the skin.

Lumizela gets a good amount of hype here on Instagram, and I can absolutely see why. I don’t think I’d ever be without it. Not only has it been beneficial in reducing redness around my cheeks, it’s also been great for reducing the red marks caused by spots.

I’ve also noticed that I’m less prone to breakout whilst using this.

There’s a very slight tingle on the skin when you use it that stops quite quickly after applying. Being an exfoliating acid, it will also leave your skin silky smooth.

Would I recommend?

Yes – I’m seriously impressed with this. If you’re like me and have mild redness around the cheek area, you should totally give this a try.

Brands Product Description

Lumizela: new name, same trusted 15% azelaic acid formula. Found in wheat, rye and barley, azelaic acid is a nature-identical antioxidant that can help reduce inflammation. Clinical studies show that azelaic acid gels can minimise the appearance of swelling and visible blood vessels caused by rosacea. Azelaic acid products are believed to have an antibacterial effect against acne-causing bacteria, hyperpigmentation and rosacea. Azelaic acid has a different kind of action to alpha and beta hydroxy acids, so you can use it alongside AHA and BHA products. Keeping in mind that these are powerful actives, we recommend that any new acids should be introduced gradually into your skin regimen. Colloidal oatmeal, aloe vera and green tea provide an extra antioxidant boost.

Key Ingredients

15% Azelaic Acid, Colloidal Oatmeal, Aloe Vera and Green Tea

How I use it

I tend to use this every other night in my evening routine. The good thing about Azelaic Acid is that it can be used in conjunction with other active ingredients so you don’t have to worry too much about contradictions.

Would I repurchase?

Yes. I’ve recently bought the Inkey List Azelaic Acid to try just so I can compare but I will definitely be coming back to the FaceTheory Lumizela.

How Much?

£23.49 for 30ml. Using code SKINTSKINCAREA30 at checkout will get you 30% off! (Affiliate Code)

Where to Buy

AD/PR - Product was gifted by brand with no obligation to post. Those discount code contained in this post is an affiliate code. I will earn commission if it is used.

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