February Favourites

Here’s a couple products I’ve been loving using on my face this February. Murad Hydro-Dynamic Ultimate Moisture I got this in a Murad Christmas Giftset…

August 2021 Empties

It’s empties time again and I am late posting them (again). September excites a lot of people, I believe, for two reasons. Reason 1 – Autumn is on the way. Reason 2 – the little shits go back to school. Whatever the reason you like about September, enjoy it!

June 2021 Empties

I’m back! I haven’t been on Instagram at all over the past two weeks. Work has just been too manic and working 12 hour days does not lend itself well to posting, creating posts or engaging so I’m quite behind! Anyway, here’s my June empties.

Jordan Samuel Skin The Aftershow Body Cleanser Review

I really wasn’t keen on the Jordan Samuel Skin The Aftershow Body Cleanser when I first got it because I didn’t get it. After using…

Two Cleansers I am loving

Just a quick post to show two cleansers I am loving this month.